Bps M5 Integration

Devaket > Bps M5 Integration

Client Brief

The client company is in cash operation business working with majorbanks and central banks in Africa for managing their cash services andproviding security solutions. The company has over 30 processingcentres, over 700 armoured vehicles and more than 6000 employees.

Project Details

The client cash operation site uses system installed in the centres toperform cash operations such as counting, sorting, and discarding the bad currencies at very high speed (30 notes per second). Therequirement was to get this data available to the centres available innear real time (refreshed every minute) to have visibility on their operation.

The data was dumped by machine to network folders and picked up by SSIS jobs running every minute to process and store in SQL server. There were reports build on top of this data in SSRS and Microstrategy.

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